
Bidtimize is a full stack programmatic platform built for data-driven marketers. We are using the latest and greatest RTB technologies of artificial intelligence-powered tools to create futuristic, unique, and powerful displays advertising that are tailor-made to achieve your campaign goals.

Jul 06, 2021 - 0 Minutes read

What are Rich media banners? The game-changer of programmatic advertising

Do you want to try out rich media banner ads for your new advertisement campaign but not sure if you should go for it? Read this blog to get a better understanding of Rich media Banners.

For marketers, advertising is becoming more difficult with time. Consumers are now skeptical of new products and many types of studies suggest that over 90 percent of people research before buying anything online. Considering this new customer behavior it is evident that marketers need to step up their game if they want to make their advertising campaign effective.

One of the ways to do that is by switching the traditional ads with rich media ads. Rich media banners are now becoming more popular among the advertisers with time because they are very effective and it is seen that they outperform traditional ads by 2 times.

What are Rich Media Banners?

Rich Media Banners in simple terms can be defined as advertisements that allow the users to interact. In normal advertisements, the users don't get an option to interact with the ads. The traditional ads use either text, images, or videos.

On the other hand, in Rich Media Banners, the texts, images, and videos are integrated so the audience can interact with them. Rich Media Banners are also called multimedia banners because of the presence of multiple elements.

Because there are many elements in the Rich Media Banners, it attracts the customers more and allows them to choose what kind of content they would be willing to consume.

What are the new features of Rich Media Banners?

There are many features of Rich Media Banners, some of which are very desirable for an advertiser while many they have to work with.

 1. Multiple Media

In rich media banners, there are multiple formats of media like images, texts, audios, and videos while in traditional advertisements you can only see one type of media. 

The options to include multiple media makes the Rich Media Banner stand out from traditional ads. Customers notice something different and they get curious to click on it. 

 2. Interactive

The audience doesn't have much choice when it comes to traditional ads. They have to consume the content or they can skip it when it comes to traditional advertisements.

With Rich Media Banners things are different. The audience gets options to pick and interact with the advertisement. It has been seen in the past that engagement increases when there are more interactions. 

 3. Huge File Size

The file size of normal display ads or banner ads is no more than 200 KB while the size of Rich Media banners is over 200 KB. The size of the Rich Text ads needs to be more than the normal size allowed so different kinds of media formats can be integrated into them.

This can be a disadvantage if your website speed is already slow or you have poor website hosting. It is a good idea to optimize the media formats so they are less in size but the core quality of the content is retained.

4. It is compatible with Programming Languages

The display ads and other forms of advertisement are not compatible with different coding languages like HTML5, JAVA, or JavaScript which are used in most websites. Rich media Banners are fully compatible with these programming languages.  

It won't be possible to make Rich Media Banners so interactive if they were not compatible with these languages. The scope of future development of Rich Media Banners is limitless in the field of digital advertisement because of this compatibility.

5. Gives you more metrics

With normal ads, you can only see the CTR which tells you if the visitor clicked on your ads or not. While with Rich Media Banners you can see all different sorts of data which are based on the user interaction with the ads. These metrics come in handy during the analysis of a campaign later. 

Why Rich Media Banners are a game-changer?

⦁ Promotes Creativity

As we have mentioned earlier that Rich Media Banners promotes including multiple formats of content. This allows the advertisers to think outside the box and give them more space to be creative. They can now experiment with various types of content in various formats to make it more engaging for the audience. 

It has removed many limitations that advertisers had to face previously by allowing to mix different formats of content. The audience also likes to engage with Rich Media banners as noticed by the data.

⦁ More Effective

Advertisers can test the waters using Rich Media Banners very effectively. It gives them options to show the desired content that the users want to see. Since the user can interact with the Rich Media ads, they are selecting the content and engaging more with the advertisement.

Advertisers now can promote more types of content in a single Rich Media ads and the users can choose which kind of content they would want to consume and in which format. 

This is the sole reason why Rich Media Banners perform better than traditional advertisements. Rich Media Banners increases customer engagements drastically which generates more sales. 

⦁ Better Analysis

It is possible to analyze data better using Rich Media Banners. Users interact with the ads in Rich Media Banners and they choose from various options. All the activities of the users are recorded which the advertiser can see in real-time.

The scope of gathering insights from running ads becomes much more in Rich Media Banners. In normal online advertisements, you can only see if your users click on a particular ad and go to the landing pages.

⦁ More Space to Work With

You get more space to work with when you are using Rich Media Banners. Since they are compatible with various programming languages like HTML, JS, and Java, you can make the size of the Rich Media Banners more than other online advertisements.

It gives an advertiser more scope to work on the ad campaign and make a better design. It also makes the advertisement more noticeable to the viewers. 

Advertisers can make the texts or the images bigger to grab the attention of the audience. They can try out new strategies with Rich Media Banners.

⦁ Supports Multiple Devices

You can customize Rich Media Banners for multiple devices so are optimized for better performance in all the devices. More users are now browsing the internet using mobile and it is important to place the ads properly on a mobile device so the viewer notices the ads.

You can increase the size of the ads even on mobile devices with Rich Media Banners. 

⦁ Make User Experience Better

One of the best reasons, why Rich Media Banners works so well is that they are optimized for enhancing user experience. The audience wants to interact with Rich Media Banners while they just want to skip banner ads or video ads.

This helps Rich Media Banners coverts much better than traditional online advertisements.


Rich Media Banners are the future of online advertisement. It would be a game-changer by its unique and attractive feathers for any advertisers. If you are not already using it, you should definitely start using it for running your ad campaigns. You would get amazed to see how well they perform and you can sit back and watch your revenue grow in real-time.

Looking to start with Rich Media Banners?

If yes! Then Bidtimize the solution for you. We can help you get started smoothly so you don't have to worry about complicated advertising processes & ad campaigns creation of rich media banners.